Sunday, May 11, 2008

Another System by Wed - Upper Low for Next Weekend?

5/11/08 9pm

After a stormy Mother's Day today, another system will move into the region by Wed. Then, could we see some scattered rains by next weekend? Watch my NEW Video Forecast for all of the details!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Where did you get your lifted index model runs? I don't know how to get certain models, could you tell me where you get that tstorm lifted index model run? Thanks!

Lester Rhoads said...

Hey Scout... I got them off of another model website. You can see the severe wx parameters for both the GFS and the NAM.

Scout-The Treasure Hunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Which one is the thunderstorm model? I'm so stupid!

Lester Rhoads said...

On that website, with the NAM, you can look at the instability (CAPE) and PWATS's. With the GFS, you can view, that plus the LI's as well. Both models show all of that information, but on that particular website, that is all that is populated.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for asking questions, but I have one more. If you don't want to answer it, that's fine.

Where did you find the instability model runs? I always hava trouble forecasting severe weather. Wher did you find it? I would like to know it! Is it on that weather model site in one of the eariler comments? Where???

Lester Rhoads said...

On that site...

Click on whatever GFS or NAM run you want to look at (0Z...12Z etc).

It's under the Severe WX Plots heading, and labled as Best Lift Index/BL(Boundary Layer) Winds and Surface CAPE/CINS For PWATS, look under the Misc. Plots header.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! You rock!